All submissions will be received through the pubpub submission system and peer review will be through Microsoft Conference Management Toolkit (CMT).
Create an account on PubPub if you do not have one already.
Login to your PubPub account and return to this page (once logged in).
Create a pub by clicking the submission link for your strand.
Copy the template and paste it into your freshly created pub (paper, music or workshop template found here) and complete your pub with your submission.
When your submission is ready, create a link to it by:
Finding the ‘sharing’ button on the top right of the page
Copying the ‘view’ url - this will be a public link to your submission that reviewers will use
Using this link when you make your submission on CMT.
We recommend downloading a copy of your pub.
Go to the AIMC2024 CMT site:
Create a CMT account if you do not have one already.
Login to your CMT account using the AIMC2024 CMT site link provided above.
In the Author Console, press the “+ Create new submission” button.
Enter the Title, Abstract, Co-authors and choose between the different Submission Tracks (Paper, Music, and Workshop / Tutorial, which appear as subject areas).
Copy the pubpub URL (created in step 5) into the submission form (additional question 1) - this is required so that reviewers can access and review your submission.
Answer any additional questions.
Press the “Submit” button.
You will receive an email confirming your upload and contents of upload to CMT.
Ethics Statement
All submissions should include an ethics statement. This section might include information (where appropriate) about:
Potential conflicts of interest (financial or non-financial)
Whether the research was approved (where appropriate) by an institutional ethics committee
The potential societal, social or environmental impact of your work.
Please send us an email if you have any issue with your submission.