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A brief description (300 - 600 words) of the project which addresses: the role of AI in the music, the type(s) of AI system(s) that are explored, how the music relates to the theme of the conference (see below), and any other relevant information.
Accepted submissions will be programmed at AIMC 2024 in one of three performances, please indicate which Performance(s) your submission is suitable for:
Performance 1, a concert at the Wolfson College auditorium, will feature 1-4 professional instrumental players, optional live or fixed electronics and video. Exact instrumentation will be decided based on accepted submissions. Submissions should indicate if AIMC should provide performers.
Performance 2, at an Oxford University performance space, will feature a flexible stage and electronics/projected visuals set-up suitable for music with more complex technical requirements. No live performers are provided, but musicians are welcome to perform their own works, or provide their own performers (this should be indicated in the submission)
Performance 3 is a club night at the Old Fire Station. This is a very flexible space with multiple rooms and areas. The event will feature music suitable for a club night including (but not limited to) beat-based, ambient, live electronic and algorave music.
Up to 300 words
Up to 200 words
Will be used in conference promotional material both digital and physical
Will be used as abstract in the conference proceedings
1 to 5 high-resolution images or photographs in .jpg format
One or both from the following:
video or audio documentation of the performance
notated score in PDF format
Please note that while embeds from YouTube or Soundcloud are possible, we recommend uploading all media into your submission using the platform’s media button.
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